And 'the perception that cancer originates mainly based on Chinese herbs, but there are a number of herbs in the West today, the alternative treatment of cancer. Here are some examples of herbs with cancer of Western origin. Note that this is informational only and should not be taken as medical advice. And 'better with an oncologist before recommending any herbs or medications for the treatment.
1 red clover herbs such as cancer
Red clover (FlosTrifolium pratense), is out of the family Papilionaceae used for malignancies, in particular to combat prostate cancer and breast cancer. It contains compounds isoflavones, especially genistein, which have weak estrogen is known, are, and studies show, may help prevent cancer.
2 Taheebo herbs such as cancer
Pau D'Arco also Taheebo, Lapacho, Tabebuia impestiginosa or the family Rubiaceae, is said to have properties anti-tumor/anti-cancer. The anti-cancerbeta-lapachone and lapachol: The property is particularly found of his two agents. It 'used in Central and South America in the treatment of cancer, leading to positive results, although the effective dose is considered toxic.
3 Mistletoe in cancer herbs
Mistletoe (Viscum alba), the Loranthaceae family, is said to contain anti-cancer proteins. Made in research, especially in Germany was found to have its antineoplastic activity, which means it could inhibitthe spread of cancer cells and also blocks the development of tumors that can become cancerous.
4 Monnaie as cancer herbs
Cleavers (Galium aparine), family Rubiaceae, has a long tradition in the use of lymphatic drainage of the tumor and reduction, is used primarily for cancer, the lymph nodes. And 'diuretic and alterative, and is considered the best lymphatic tonic in most Western Herbal Pharmacopoeia into account.
5 Purple Sweet as cancer herbs
Sweetpurple (Flos Viola odorata), family Violaceae, has a longstanding reputation as an anti-cancer herbs. It is, as a patch for the treatment of skin cancer used. It 'still under investigation by the scientific community.
Some important information about herbs for cancer
Cancer herbs are sold as herbal supplements and are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration regulated. When buying supplements, you should go with a provider who hasGMP standards strictly. This ensures that the product has the right ingredients, doses and contents stated in the bottle, and that does not contain harmful substances.